Hard work, dirty and takes so long to reap the fruits I always thought.
All the outlook of someone too influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance.
Well, for some reason or another I've become inspired to get my gummys on and give it a go out there. Which after thinking about all the positive benefits its hard not to become enthusiastic about growing your own.
We have heaps of space here at the place we rent on New Varshan.
There was also an existing overgrown vege garden. Its also Spring now in N.Z. great time to start planting.
This is what it looked like after we cleared out all the weeds and got things ready for planting. The frame with netting over the garden is to keep the pooks out!
Pook is short for pukeko, a NZ native bird.
"Among envious birds I am the pukeko."
- Street Samhita

They are a swamp bird. See the long claws, there for walking over swamps without getting stuck. Actually there more like a swamp crow. A scavenger.
Whatever you did that reacted in taking on a pukeko body must of been real sinful man as these guys continously fight, mate and steal food all day from each other as well as the ducks. Actually they even eat the ducklings - we were counting the ducklings each day to see how many were left. - 7 out of 11 I recall.
Whatever you did that reacted in taking on a pukeko body must of been real sinful man as these guys continously fight, mate and steal food all day from each other as well as the ducks. Actually they even eat the ducklings - we were counting the ducklings each day to see how many were left. - 7 out of 11 I recall.
"Among envious birds I am the pukeko."
- Street Samhita
Anyways among their tastes is veges and little seedlings hence the enclosure over our garden.
To prepare the soil we didnt have any compost on hand so we bought some standard organic bags. Mixed that through the top layer of soil. Then on the advice of the seedling guy at the markets I also put some lime in too which apparently many gardens commonly lack. (No lime for tomatoes and potatoes though I was told).i then gave it a quick watering and left it for a week.
I picked up a whole lot for a $1 each at the Avondale Markets. Not organic but hey I guess you gotta start somewhere especially with limited time. Also i figured it would easier on myself first time round to start with seedlings rather than start from seed. Next year I may be more prepared and go all the way. That would be really good. We have a few things in seed, like basil and corriander so we'll raise them over the next few weeks.

I'm using this seaweed fertilizer just cause its what we had lying around. I mixed up some with water and poured into bottom of the seedling holes and then covered that over with a little dirt to avoid burning roots.
Now my seedlings were ready for transplanting.
My next garden blog will show photos of seedlings in place as well as cultivation of a a second garden bed.
So far so good.
Hare Krishna!