Sunday, November 30, 2008

garden update

Hare Krishna!
Well its been ages since I posted last. The nature to start or create something is a characteristic of the mode of passion (raja guna). Starting something is quite easy. Now maintaining it, a characteristic of the mode of goodness (sattva-guna) is another story. Hence my initial burst of blog posts and then ..errrrrrrrrrr... Nothing! Anyways no time like the present to get back on the horse.

The snake beans or yard long beans. They have been really sad ever since I transplanted them, couldn't figure out why. So the other night I got onto google and found out that they are a tropical bean and prefer warm soil, frequent watering among other things. Not so hardy as the scarlet runner or other common beans. When I planted them it was just kicking into Spring and there were a few frosty mornings and cold days still so that's what probably freaked them out. But since I gave them some sheep pellets the other day and a good watering they are looking much better and shooting off new stems.

Lettuces are pumping! Most probably the easiest and quickest thing to grow! Low maintenance.

Since this photo was taken the tomatoes plants are filling up with green tomatoes. I finally understood what my mum meant by the picking laterals and they are doing well. Also quite a easy plant to grow like the lettuce it seems.

Ahh the bitter melons or kerala. If this ever bears its fruits I'll be in bliss. Since this photo the left plant shriveled up and died after being peeked at by pukekos (see previous posts for the pukeko profile) and the 3rd plant is just hanging in there some how. But the middle one is the winner it has since taken off right up the trellis - looking forward to seeing some flowers soon. I think the sheep pellets once again are doing their thing.

I pulled out a batch of lettuces today, we just can't keep on top of them so I did some some drop offs to my neighbourly friends. Also it created a spot to plant something new - peas! I picked up some cheap seedlings on the weekend.
Also planted some more zucchini and silverbeet today.

My garden realisation for the day- "Sheep pooh rocks!"

"Ahhh, the good life" as my good friend Dharmasetu would say.